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Kid Zone: My Ultimate Vacation

If time and money were not an obstacle, where would you go on your dream vacation? 


My dream vacation would be to travel across Canada and go to multiple cities in each province or territory. 


I love going to tropical, warm places, so I would go to Aitutaki in the Cook Islands. I would stay in a hut that is built right in the water on stilts. 

Who would you take with you? 


I would take a few of my close friends. 


I would take my family with me. 

What activities would you like to try while you’re there? 


I would go see different attractions exclusive to the area, walk around the main part of the city and try some of the local restaurants. 


I would swim, snorkel, and explore the tropical forests. 

Do you think vacations are more about sitting and relaxing, being active and adventurous, or learning about the place and its people? 


I think that vacations are about doing things that you can’t do in your hometown like, learning about the place, visiting and exploring cool places in the area. 


I like to do a bit of all of it; I love relaxing in a hammock by the beach, exploring and swimming and going into a nearby town to learn about the culture. 

How much do you think it’s reasonable to spend on a week-long vacation? 


I think that for one person it’s reasonable to pay about $1000-$1500 for one week. 


I don’t really know because I’ve never spent my money on a vacation! If I had to guess I’d say around $5000 for my family of four to go. 


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