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Pet Friendly: The Most Searched Cat Questions



Cats have a reputation for being aloof. Humans, however, are natural communicators, which can make it difficult to under- stand cats’ illusive ways. So, as a result, many of us do what any twenty-first century human would do when we don’t understand something: look it up on the internet.

Here are our answers to some of the most commonly searched cat questions!

Who do cats think we are?

For the most part, cats treat us the same way they would treat an- other cat they respect. Behaviours such as rubbing up against us, kneading, or meowing are behaviours they developed during their relationship with their mothers, giving new meaning to the term “pet parent”.

What do cats eat?

Cats are “obligate carnivores”, which means they require meat in their diet. While dogs mainly rely on carbohydrates as their main source of energy, cats depend on protein. Contrary to popular belief, cats shouldn’t have milk. In fact, within the few several weeks of life, their ability to digest lactose is reduced, which can lead to upset tummies if ingested.

Where do cats come from?

When the first hunter-gatherers started to settle in the Fertile Cres- cent, wild cats were attracted to the rodents that fed on their crop. This started a long history of domestication, and now we couldn’t imagine life without them!

When do cats go into heat?

Female cats have their first heat when they reach puberty, usually around 6 months. During this time, they will look for a mate (this even includes any brothers, sons, or fathers who have not been neu- tered).

Why do cats purr?

Purring seems to be a way that cats communicate with other ani- mals. It tends to have a relaxing effect on the recipient, which may be a way that cats give us positive reinforcement as a response to a behaviour that the cats enjoy.

The internet is full of many interesting facts and articles, but your veterinarian is always the best resource when it comes to any ques- tions you might have about your furry family members. Cats are mysterious creatures, but fortunately, even though they don’t com- municate how we do, our feline friends have almost all the answers we seek… We just have to learn how to listen.

Dr. I. Wonder is here to answer your questions regarding your furry family members. If you have a question, email it to us at danielle@NeighbourhoodPetClinic.com. Our team at Neighbourhood Pet Clinic will tap into their collective experience to answer your various questions.


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