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Screen Time Safety


Screens are here to stay…whether you use a tele-vision, computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. These devices can be useful, but there are risks in- volved, especially where our kids are concerned. How do you figure out what is best for your family? The Canadian Pediatric Society recommends set- ting some limits:
• No screen time for children under 2 years of age • Less than 1 hour a day for children between the ages of 2-5 years.

Negative effects of screen time:
• Increased risk of childhood obesity
• Decreased time spend in active outdoor play
• Less face to face time with you which affects their learning of communication skills and vocabulary
• Less time spent building the all-important at- tachment relationship between parent and child

Other things to consider:
• You know your child best. Do you notice an in- crease in negative behaviour after your child has been exposed to screens?
• Did you know that background TV has an adverse effect on children? They are easily distracted and are less active while they play. Consider turning your TV off when no one is watching. You could put on some music instead.
• Did you know that screen use close to bedtime can interfere with sleep (for both adults and chil- dren)? This is due to light and stimulation. Turn off screens an hour or more before bedtime. Establish a calming bedtime routine that includes reading books and talking together about them.
• You have probably heard that you should be watching media with your children. Did you know that you can take it one step further and talk to your child about what you are viewing? You can help them build on past knowledge and help them

Stop, listen, and reflect.

apply what they are learning in the future.
• If you have children of different ages it can be dif- ficult to find something that is suitable for every- one. You may have to limit the older child’s viewing to when the younger one is asleep or not present. • Your behaviour and attitude towards screens will influence your child more than anything. Remem- ber, there is always someone watching you!

Ensure you are not missing out on important op- portunities with your little one:
• When you pick them up from school or childcare, put your phone away so they can tell you about their exciting day!

• When you are driving in the car with them, it’s a great time to have important discussions or sing together instead of turning on a screen.
• Get outside and move with your kids! It’s good for you and for them!

For more information: Visit Zone Workshops Here. 

1 Digital Health Task Force Committee. Canadian Pediat- ric Society. (2017, June). Screen time and young children. Retrieved from https://www.caringforkids.cps.ca/hand- outs/screen-time-and-young-children

2 Zero to Three. (2018). Screen time. Retrieved from https://www.zerotothree.org/espanol/screen-time

3 Child and Youth Network, London, Ontario. (2018). It all starts with words. I’ll know how to unplug. Retrieved from http://www.2000wordstogrow.ca/


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