Be True to Your School!
What makes your school special?
Lander: The kind people make my school so special.
Adi: My teachers make my school special.
You’re the teacher for the day. What would you have the class do?
Lander: Half of the day work, second half play!
Adi: One minute of work and the remainder of the day, play and colour.
If your teacher came to your house for dinner, what would you talk about?
Lander: We’d talk about vacations.
AdiL We’d talk about how school is going.
Tell us about your best school day ever.
Lander: The last day of school was the best – movies and games all day!
Adi: The last day we got to do whatever we wanted.
Meet our new Kid Zone writers, 10 and 6 year old siblings, Lander and Adi! Each month, they’ll be sharing perspectives on life as a child sees it.