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Being Canadian

Why do you think Canada is a special place?

Luca: Canada is special because it is safe here and there are many laws against violence.

Nico: I love Canada because it is peaceful here and the summers are nice and hot so I can go swimming.

If you could change one of the rules/laws in our country or in our city, what would it be?

Luca: Protesters that are not peaceful and use bad words should not be allowed to bother people.

Nico: On hot days, we should not go to school and eat a lot of ice cream!

What are three of the best cities/places you’ve visited in Canada? Why did you like them? 

Luca: Toronto because there is so much to do and we have family who live there. Grand Bend because we usually cottage there and we love going to the beach and getting ice cream! Ottawa has a lot of museums and history, plus we have family that lives there too.

Nico: I like Toronto because my grandma who speaks Spanish lives there and we can go to places like the aquarium and the zoo. I like Leamington because my other grandma lives there and we can go to Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens. And I like going to African Lion Safari which is somewhere in Ontario.

What is a place you dream of visiting in Canada? Why would you want to go there?

Luca: I would like to visit Vancouver because I want to ride the trolley up the mountains. And my dad says they have the best sushi in Canada! Yum!

Nico: I want to visit a big forest in Canada and go hiking in it.


Meet our newest Kid Zone writers, 9 and 7 year old brothers Luca and Nico. Each month, they’ll be sharing perspectives on life as a child sees it.


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