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Biz Showcase – Marley’s Dream

Nichola Zacher is an aspiring author who is trying to showcase a unique and powerful message with her darling puppy Marley’s new book!

During a difficult time a few years ago, she was told by doctors that her father was diagnosed with dementia. She was medically advised to address this disability which would forever affect her father’s mental wellbeing. The disease of dementia affected her and her family almost overnight. While they were in the midst of trying to plan for her father’s future with his newly diagnosed condition, they crossed paths with their newest family member. “Marley is a cute little blond Shorkie with a heart of gold. Both my father and I fell in love right away.” A beautiful new friendship was instantly born between Nichola’s dad and the new puppy.

She quickly identified the undeniable bond between her father and Marley. She was slightly surprised at how this playful, bright-eyed puppy was also so patient and compassionate towards her father. This bond and relationship is what led her to write her book, Marley’s Dream!

“When I initially saw their loving relationship it gave me the inspiration to spread Marley’s message and ultimately I hoped it would help change the world in a positive manner. This book comes from my heart and is dedicated to my father, Bob”, she explains. It is also meant to reach out to all people living with disabilities as well as their families. Nichola’s message is simple: always speak from your soul and remember to be patient and empathetic in life. Sometimes the pace of the world seems too fast, and society seems to be in a hurry. We all need to slow down a little by trying to appreciate the simple things in life.

It is amazing the impact a dog can have when introduced into a unique family dynamic. A pet like Marley can be extremely helpful with aiding the bond during a difficult time. “Take it from me and Marley, the long lasting relationship and calming effect on my father is very precious”, she says. To understand this story and other unique relationships, please check out the inspiring book, Marley’s Dream!


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