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Brotherly Love

Tell us the best thing about being the oldest/youngest brother?

Luca: I am the oldest brother. I get to experience some things before him (like staying up later) but mostly I get more responsibilities which isn’t all that great.

Nico: I am the youngest brother. Luca lets me use his toys.

Tell us three great things about your brother?

Luca: Nico is kinda funny. He “tries” to like what I like, and he’s good for me to test out my pranks!

Nico: Luca lets me play on his Nintendo Switch. Sometimes he lets me sleep on the top bunk, and he plays with me.

What is the hardest thing to share/work out with your brother?

Luca: He doesn’t always keep his promises!!

Nico: Sometimes he’s mean to me and he bosses me around.

Meet our newest Kid Zone writers, 9 and 7 year old brothers Luca and Nico. Each month, they’ll be sharing perspectives on life as a child sees it.


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