Craving Routine
If you’re anything like me, summer break brings mixed emotions. I, of course, love having Mikaeel around, and I love the slower pace and relaxing vibe that summer brings. But I struggle to stay focused without the regular routine of the school year. We’re eating at strange times, our sleep schedule is off, and, to be truthful, it’s hard to concentrate on writing my editor’s note when I have an 11-year-old who would rather I toss a football in the backyard!
So I went to our Mom & Caregiver family (and our August edition!) to get some tips on maintaining a healthy summer routine. Here’s what I’ll be trying this month.
Get up early – even if it’s a day you don’t have to rush out the door. Use this time for a morning walk, a quiet cup of tea, or for banging off a quick job that won’t need to go on the day’s list (like some meal prep). Plus, encourage the kids to do the same – sleeping in can waste the cooler part of the day, and make it difficult to get back on schedule come September (but good luck to those parents of teenagers on this one!).
Keep your eating on schedule! Eat a healthy breakfast to start your day. You’ll need it to fuel you through meetings and to fuel your kids through summer camp. Eat dinner at the same time every evening as well. (Why not try Carolyn Hemming’s Charred Corn and Roasted Vegetable Salad with Peaches and Lime Dressing on page 22?) When going on a summer outing, pack food instead of buying it at the zoo or museum. Eating a healthy meal brought from home will reduce the sugar, grease and processed items that can drag you down.
Plus, one of the best tips for keeping your focus high this summer – hydrate your brain! Lisa Aquilina talks water on page 19 this month. She covers the health benefits of staying well-hydrated and explains why water is a beauty elixir!
Hope everyone enjoys the lazy hazy dog days of summer. But, if you’re craving routine, then this issue’s for you!
Sabina Manji, a lifelong Londoner, is an irrepressible entrepreneur, mother of a wonderful son, and also a committed volunteer.