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Dad, Papa, Daddy, Stepdude, Father…

 I thought I’d start off our June editorial with a laugh. 

When does a joke become a dad joke?

When it’s full groan!

We all know a dad, a husband, a grandpa, an uncle or a neighbour who tells awful dad jokes, yet still we chuckle. And many of us have a great Dad story that we tell at parties – something ridiculous, funny or warm – about a special guy in our lives that can really get a crowd laughing or ahhing. 

In fact, we’ve gathered some beautiful Father’s Day tales for you in our June issue. Intrigued by the title “Dad Went Down Like a Tonne of Bricks”? Hear the whole story from 10-year-olds Charlie and Harrison on page 11. Wondering why “Two Dads Warmed my Heart”? Find out more from our tech guru, Larissa (p. 15) 

Next, oil up the old ball glove and settle in for “A Summer of Heirlooms” from Janet Smith (p. 18) Lastly, want to make a bond with other fathers? Learn Frank Emanuele’s new fatherhood mantra, which starts with “I am going to be ok. Not every day will be my finest…” Turn to page 12 to say it with him!

What happens when you mix whiskey, orange juice, chili paste and garlic? You get an amazing glaze for salmon! Take a moment to treat Dad this month and show him your grill skills with our scrumdiddlyumptious Grilled Whiskey Salmon in our Food For Thought column.

Father’s Day may be a tough holiday to celebrate for some of you who have lost your Dad. Bindi Irwin, daughter of the late Steve Irwin, puts it well. “Dad is and always will be my living, breathing superhero.” And some of you may not have had a father in your lives, but may have a man (or woman) who gives you strength, wisdom and support. Whoever you are celebrating this June, whether you are together or not, we wish these “superheroes” the happiest of Father’s Days and our thanks for your never-ending love.

Sabina Manji, a lifelong Londoner, is an irrepressible entrepreneur, mother of a wonderful son, and also a committed volunteer.


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