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Does My Dog Really Need Professional Dental Care?

“Your child needs braces,” the dentist says. You cringe. As if saving for college wasn’t bad enough.

So when the vet tells you, “Your furry family member needs dental work,” you feel like telling them to get in line!

In the exam room, you tell the vet that Fluffy’s breath has been more foul than usual lately. But isn’t that normal for pets as they age?

“Sadly not,” the vet tells you, “Bad breath is a symptom of underlying disease. In Fluffy’s case, it’s likely caused by bad bacteria causing decay around these inflamed teeth. It would be quite painful.”

You think of the last time you had tooth pain. The ache was so debilitating that you’d called your dentist and scheduled an emergency appointment on a Saturday. The veterinarian provides you with a cost estimate and you tell them that you’ll think about it.

Then later, as you scroll on social media before bed, a beautiful oasis lights up the screen: an advertisement for canine cosmetic teeth cleaning. The “after” photos are sparkling, the reviews are raving, and the price is unbeatable… But it seems a little too good to be true.

You pull up your veterinarian’s website and find a long article called “The Risks of Anesthesia-Free Dental Procedures”. Among the many dangers listed, you learn that cosmetic cleanings do not require the provider to hold any licensing or qualifications.

Your mind drifts once again to your child’s teeth. There’s no way I’d ever let someone with no qualifications install their braces.

You read on and learn that while cosmetic cleanings may make the teeth look good temporarily on the surface, these companies are legally not permitted to clean below the gum line, where many issues reside. Additionally, without anesthesia, not only are these procedures incomplete, but they also put your furry family member through significant stress.

In comparison, you read that a “Complete Oral Health Assessment and Treatment” (COHAT) is an extensive and safe procedure done under anesthesia by a licensed veterinarian and is the only way to diagnose and treat periodontal disease. You also discover that extractions may be covered by Fluffy’s pet insurance.

You look down at Fluffy and resolve to call your veterinarian in the morning to get him the dental care he needs. After all, you think, that’s what family’s for.


Dr. I. Wonder is here to answer your questions regarding your furry family members. If you have a question, email it to us at danielle@NeighbourhoodPetClinic.com. Our team at Neighbourhood Pet Clinic will tap into their collective experience to answer your various questions.


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