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Funding for Orthotic Devices

So, a family member was just diagnosed with a medical condition requiring an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO), among the thousands of other things racing through your mind. You wonder, does OHIP pay for this or should I be looking into getting supplemental medical insurance?


Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long Term Care provides funding for all residents of Ontario who have a diagnosed long term medical condition that affects their activities of daily living. The applicant must have a valid Ontario health card and been diagnosed with a medical condition requiring a specific assistive device or piece of equipment for more than six months. Some devices may have additional requirements – we suggest speaking to an ADP authorizer for more information. Generally speaking, applicants do not need to show financial need.


Individuals who do not qualify for ADP funding are those who qualify for financial support from Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) or they are a group A veteran and qualify for financial support through Veterans Affairs Canada.


Equipment and supplies that are part of the funding program include: mobility aids, hearing aids, communication aids, visual aids, diabetic equipment and supplies, respiratory equipment and supplies, home oxygen therapy, artificial eyes and facial prosthetics, custom orthotic braces, compression garments and lymphedema pumps, prosthetic breasts and limbs, enteral-feeding pumps and ostomy supplies.


Specifically for orthotic bracing, ADP covers 75% of the cost of the assistive device while the remaining 25% can be submitted to private medical insurance or claimed on your income taxes as a medical expense. ADP covers 100% of the cost if the applicant is on Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program or Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities. For more information on the specific device maximums and ADP’s financial commitment, please go to https://www.ontario.ca/page/assistive-devices-program/.


If you have any questions regarding ADP funding or are in need of an orthotic device, we are more than happy to assist you. We want to ensure that you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to, help improve your life and make your daily activities as simple and pain-free as possible.


The Custom Orthotics Team (519) 850-4721 | office@customorthoticsoflondon.com | @cool_bracing


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