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Why is gaming addictive?
Gaming is addictive because the gaming companies have created games to be that way. The games make you want to buy more figures or tools so players can kill something and feel a type of euphoria. The high is what they want you to feel, winning is what makes gamers addicted, and throughout this process, gaming companies become rich. Gamers feel they are in an alternate reality to escape real life.

What are the emotional and physical signs of an addicted gamer?

Emotional signs:

  • Feelings of restlessness and/or irritability when unable to play
  • Preoccupation with thoughts of previous online activity or anticipation of the next online session
  • Lying to friends or family members regarding the amount of time spent playing
  • Isolation from others in order to spend more time gaming


Physical signs:

  • Migraines or headaches due to intense concentration or eye strain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome, hand cramping, thumb issues caused by the overuse of a controller or computer mouse
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Fatigue, eye issues, and neck pain


Statistics on Gaming Addiction:

  • 66% of tweens aged eight to 12 play video games for an average of two hours per day
  • 56% of teens ages 13 to 17 play video games for an average of 2.5 hours per day
  • Boys typically play video games more often than girls
  • Young children aged two to four play for 21 minutes per day, and those aged five to eight play for

42 minutes per day

  • Children are often gaming until 3:00 am, drinking caffeinated drinks to stay awake and alert. Once the rush is over, they crash, and tend to grab sugary snacks.



Tips to help parents prevent Gaming Addiction:

  • Set routines about when and where they can play. Routines provide children with confidence and boundaries.
  • Play with your children outside and inside – enjoy them. 
  • If they wish the privilege to play, they must prove their maturity to you by following the rules of your house.
  • Children can’t game for eight hours a day – install controls on consoles.
  • Sleep determines brain function and mood. Set alarms 1.5 hours before bed for play to stop, their brain to calm down, and their heart rate to decrease.
  • Talk to teachers about how your child is doing. Ask if they are tired or moody at school, or their grades are falling behind.



Don’t let gaming turn into an addiction. It is damaging children’s emotional and social skills and in some cases physical health. The pandemic has perpetuated the addiction in children. Please take the time to decrease the hours of gaming or phone use.

Larissa Mills, B. A., M.Ed. is the founder
of Iparentgen.com. She is a mother of three, a Parent Coach and a 4KIDS Sports & Educational Consultant.


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