Hot Mama Summer
During these sizzling summer months, wiggling into a bathing suit will most likely occur for a pool party, beach trip or backyard hot tubby. At some point, that beautiful body will be out to play.
For some, bathing suits can drive anxiety/shame levels. Staring into the mirror at our post divorce/baby bodies can elicit negative self-talk and create an ego moment to pull back and remove ourselves from the invitation altogether. Sure, you could turtle in, or you can show up for yourself in ways that allow you to feel confident/carefree and ready to work those beautiful eyes and glorious thighs.
When you notice thoughts eliciting low vibes in the change room or bedroom as you regard yourself in the mirror with your bathing suit on, anchor into a statement that detracts from the spiralling mental train you’re about to ride, gorgeous. One unkind thought will lead to another (I haven’t made time to work out, I need to get to the gym, I shouldn’t have eaten all the tops off of those cupcakes, etc.). Notice when you’re spiralling and anchor into ONE statement that feels better to disrupt the thought pattern. A simple go-to can be “I love you.” Repeat this upwards of 50 times until the train of thoughts starts to find a peaceful country road that smooths into contentment and ease in the mind and body. The key is to catch the thought early, neutralize it with a good feeling thought, and create momentum with more better feeling inner dialogue (I’m appreciative to be going, I can’t wait to giggle, I’m excited for some sun, etc.).
Remember, your body does not define your worth. You weren’t invited to model swimsuits of 2024, you were asked over because you’re awesome, and you have more depth attached to you than the size tag you snipped off. Get your tankini on babe, sport some beautiful sunglasses, toss on a pair of heels like those girls in the reality shows, find a super cute cover-up to whip off, and smile as you show up to your Hot Mama Summer.
Lyndsay Campbell is a co-parenting mother of two boys, a Life Transformation Coach and
Reiki Master.