How to Keep Kids’ Teeth Healthy
Brushing Up: How to Keep Kids’ Teeth Healthy
For Summer & Beyond!
Summer days are here! That means the end of rigid schedules, long summer days, and in some cases, a lapse in good habits like dental hygiene. With summer travel and an abundance of sugary, warm- weather treats around, it can be difficult to keep up good oral hygiene habits for your family during the summer months. Here are a few tips to help keep you on track.
Buy new toothbrushes
Now is a great time to invest in new toothbrushes for every member of the family. If you plan to travel or be away from home frequently during the summer, it’s a good idea to buy a few extras, too, so you can have them with you at all times. Throw some travel toothbrushes, flossers, and toothpaste into your bag and you’ll always be prepared.
Schedule checkups
Instead of waiting for the run-up to back-to-school time to schedule dental appointments- do it now as summer is kicking off. This will help to catch any problems before they get worse over the summer and will prevent dental issues from putting a damper on your summer vacation plans.
Stock healthy foods
Finally, one of the best ways to ensure your kids’ teeth stay healthy is to monitor what they are eating. Stock a healthy kitchen full of fresh fruit and other healthy snacks and minimize their exposure to sugary treats. There’s nothing wrong with treats (and what would summer be without ice cream?) but it’s important to offer healthy options more often, and to ensure that your kids brush their teeth after eating something sugary.
Remember, good dental hygiene sets the stage for good overall physical health. This summer choose to prioritize dental health to keep your kids’ teeth in tip top shape for summer and beyond!
Dr. Sanjay Agrawal and his team strive to provide compassionate, comprehensive and comfortable dental care to all of their patients, especially the kids.