Immerse Yourself
You are in French Immersion. Tell us all about your school.
Charlie – I love our school because we have lots of chances to learn and do things that are not just about school and I know I will have a lot of fun memories when I’m older. I love being in choir, playing on the soccer and volleyball team. We have missed track and field and basketball for two years now because of COVID. We have great teachers because they are kind, funny and they always help us when we need it. Harrison – It’s a great school! We have the best French teachers and the rest of the staff, like the secretaries, principals and lunch monitors are great too. We have a small school compared to other French Immersion schools in our district. I love our yard because it’s big and it has a lot of parts to it that everyone likes to use. Our yard is surrounded by woods so at recess we get to see a lot of wildlife like deer, eagles, coyotes, red-tailed hawks and owls.
Why do you love (or dislike) speaking another language?
Charlie – Learning a new language can be challenging. I like to set goals for myself and conquer them when it comes to speaking French. I was so surprised when we visited Ottawa and I could understand everything everyone was saying. I do like the challenge, but sometimes it’s not easy learning math in French.
Harrison – I love learning French and it will be very helpful when I’m older. Sometimes I dislike the homework because when I don’t understand it, it takes more time to translate it to English. I know my brain is getting bigger because I am learning to speak two languages.
If you could travel to a French-speaking place, where would you go and why?
Charlie – I would love to go to France because they have the best macaroons and museums. I could even work for the Olympics and be an interpreter!
Harrison – I would go to France. I would love to eat cheese and see the Eiffel tower. If I go to university, I hope to take one semester in French – that would be amazing.
Charlie and Harrison
Meet 10 year-old twins, Charlie and Harrison, our new Kid Zone writers!
Each month, they’ll be sharing perspectives on life as a child sees it.