Impact Church London
We are a Church who believes God is good! We have been operating for many generations in London, but moved to the Pond Mills area just over a year ago. We are really proud of our welcome statement – we think you will find it to be inclusive and not your usual Church message. You should check it out on the front page of our website.
One thing we feel strongly about is the need to value and empower children like never before. We believe children are complete human beings who are loved by God. The Bible talks about children being sources of joy in our lives, a crown of grandparents, and gifts from God. We completely agree!
When we read about Jesus, we see that He welcomed children in his presence. He blessed them. He made time. He made space. He raised the level of importance of children in his cultural setting – we should too. With that being said, we believe that no community is complete unless children are present. We want to invite you to participate in community with us. A community where there is always room for people to be included, a place for all types of families, somewhere to feel supported, and a place that feels like home. We want to champion families. We want families to know that God looks at you – where you are – and loves you. He sees all the effort and is proud of you. You are doing a good job.
This is also a place where kids are shown a lot of hospitality and all children belong: loud kids, active kids, kids with special needs, quiet kids, social kids, you name the kid – they belong. They fit. They matter. Children are not a distraction, not a problem to care for, not people-in-waiting. They have unsurpassable worth. They are a gift to us all. Empowering children is worth it. They are worth it.
I will leave you with the words of Wes Stafford who said that, “Every child you encounter is a divine appointment.”