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Journey Entry #4: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

Improved recovery started with accepting my diagnosis, “Because nothing changes if nothing changes.” 

I just posted to my 19K TikTok family that I’m leaving. You see, part of being successful in recovery is to stop being afraid of letting go when you know something is compromising your peace of mind. Should you change what you know is scary, but just because you can? If you have bipolar, it can be easy (as well as dangerous) to slide back into hiding your symptoms and fixing others. I know that little voice telling me, “Stephanie, you’re overdoing it and you need to back off.” My response? “Leave me alone. Look at how well I’m doing!”  When I am fighting myself like this, I need to rest, re-evaluate and tell my doctors, husband, friends and family that I need a break before I become so symptomatic that I’m hospitalized. It can happen quickly. 

Here are steps that put you in control of your mental health:

  1. Google a FREE Mood Chart. Print it off. This is THE most powerful tool. Fill it out HONESTLY. DO NOT skip over anything for 30 days.
  2. Next, see your family doctor. If you don’t have one, contact your health unit for info on becoming a patient of new doctors. If you are a harm to yourself or others, go to your local emergency department now. 
  3. Show your family doctor your mood chart. Ask for a referral to a psychiatrist because they specialize in mental illnesses and can write prescriptions. These services are covered under OHIP. 

Remember that “Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes.” Learn how to be your own advocate instead of running from your symptoms by doing for others. These steps will empower you. My tough love quote is, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten!” What’s your next move so 2024 is not just another year full of feeling helpless? As Bon Jovi sings, “It’s my life, It’s NOW or NEVER.” 


Stephanie Preston creates powerful, humorous videos on managing bipolar disorder symptoms. She is a Social Service Worker, Health Care Aide and suffers from severe bipolar depression herself. She is the proud wife of St. Thomas Mayor Joe Preston, loves being a grandma and is Crossfit obsessed. Follow her at www.tiktok.com/@bipolaronthebrain and www.facebook.com/bipolaronthebrain.


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