Leaves Aren’t The Only Things That Are Dry!
As we journey through perimenopause, estrogen fluctuates and progesterone levels drop. A decrease in estrogen causes our bodies to be less lubricated. Our skin is drier, our eyes are drier and for a lot of women, they experience vaginal dryness. This is a topic that we need to normalize as we age.
Vaginal dryness can be incredibly uncomfortable. Many women struggle with the way their clothes fit, sitting for extended periods of time, interrupted sleep (burning, itching) and affected sex life. Vaginal tissue shrinks and can tear with the changing levels of estrogen, and so many of my clients are hesitant to even talk about it, let alone ask for help.
There is relief! Local vaginal estrogen comes in the forms of pessaries, creams and tablets. For women who cannot tolerate or don’t choose oral or transdermal estrogen, local vaginal estrogen can be the lifesaver they need. It can be used in conjunction with oral hormone therapy (systemic) and can also be complemented by vaginal moisturizers like Gynatroff and YES VM (vaginal moisturizer) to provide comfort and soothing properties.
GSM (genitourinary symptoms of menopause) can be treated, but unfortunately cannot be cured, so treatment is generally life-long for most women. A consult with your primary care provider will help you understand which option is best for you. The Menopause Society guidelines recommend using the medications for three months, at which time a follow up is scheduled to evaluate the efficacy of them.
Vaginal dryness is not helped by having sex. The saying “use it or lose it” is nothing more than a patriarchal construct that benefits men and can cause great harm to women physically. Your vaginal dryness will not improve by having sex. Anyone purporting this sentiment is highly misinformed! Please don’t suffer. Reach out to me if you have any questions and come join our free community on Facebook at Make The Change Menopause Coaching- a safe place to learn, share and ask all of your questions!
Carol Peat is a woman's health advocate, Mum of three, wife to one, Nana of two and dog Mum to Piper, a golden retriever. She is passionate about you feeling your best, brave in your body.