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Lessons In Love: The Online Experience

“A relationship to me now means your eyes, heart and mind on me. And my eyes, heart and mind on you,” said the gentleman I had met on Bumble. Heart melt. Deep exhale. It’s a match. 

In 2023, I navigated lessons within online dating. I went in with a soft heart, conscious mind, and eyes wide open to what I was about to uncover on my unique journey to love. And through my experiences of swiping left and right, the selection process, and dating after divorce, I uncovered nuggets of wisdom and an opportunity to discover deeper truths about myself. Ultimately, I was able to enhance my sense of self-worth and love throughout that time. 

I learned about communication, authentic expression, setting boundaries, and being resilient, but there was one primary realization I would like to share with each of you. When logging in to check your messages, looking at your likes or sinking into swiping, ask yourself what feeling you are experiencing most in that moment. On the days that I felt anxiety about being alone or feeling like I wasn’t good enough, my outcome was different than when in my joy, playfulness and “let’s see how it goes” type of energy. 

A question to ask yourself is, ‘does this feel good to me right now?’ If it does, keep going. If it doesn’t, be kind with yourself as you navigate an alternative solution like pausing the account or putting the phone down. As you focus on what feels good, you support yourself with empowered choices. This type of self-confidence can translate even deeper into your life as you continue to ask yourself that question daily. 

It took me several first dates before I felt the feeling of falling in love again, however I believe it happened because I had my eyes, heart and mind on myself first. Trust that if you continue to anchor into what feels good and make decisions based upon that as often as you can, it won’t be long before you manifest someone’s eyes, heart and mind on you, beautiful.


Lyndsay Campbell is a co-parenting mother of two boys, a Life Transformation Coach and
Reiki Master.


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