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Life Balance: Why Don’t We Like Talking About Sex?


Are we savages for talking about sex? In many countries, they were born. Starting from the way they were physical- talking about sex is taboo. Cultural norms, religion, and ly touched by others and the way their bodies feel to them

gender are only some of the reasons sex is seen as a no no. Yet, across genders, cultures, and countries sex is a human be- haviour we all share. Whether you like to engage in sexual activ- ity or not, sex happens, especially amongst teens. As a parent, guardian, or leader in your community, the best thing you can do is talk about it.

You may be thinking that talking about sex only provokes it. This is a myth. The truth is research shows that parent-child communication about sexual health can have a positive effect on teen sexual behaviour. It can also lead to teens delaying becoming sexually active, compared to teens whose parents didn’t talk to them about sex.

Teens have been learning about their sexuality since the day

growing up, to the relationships they see around them. While family values are the first factor in shaping a teen’s views on sex they’re certainly not the only. Teens also get information from sources outside their family, such as movies, social me- dia, porn, music, and friends. As curious human beings, sex is something your teens are exploring or want to explore.

Teaching your child about sexual health and sexuality is part of your role as a parent. Don’t ignore it, embrace it. Here is a help- ful website that can help you start the conversation, access information, or answer your questions about a specific topic https://teachingsexualhealth.ca/parents/. By helping your children make informed decisions about their sexual health, you are not only helping them thrive as teenagers but as responsible adults.


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