Living Through a Pandemic as a Kid
What does it feel like to be living through the COVID-19 pandemic?
Charlie – Put it this way, we JUST recently went into a grocery store with our mom for the first time since the pandemic began. It was so weird! I don’t think I will ever get used to seeing people in masks. I remember during the first lockdown, the streets in our neighbourhood seemed empty and we weren’t allowed to see our friends and family. It seemed quiet outside except for the the birds. I’ve never really been worried about it because we are healthy and lucky to live in a country like Canada.
Harrison – It seems like it began so long ago. It feels like it is almost normal now. I remember our first last day of school, March 9th, 2020. We didn’t know that it was our last in-person day for our grade four year. Knowing that our last full year of in-person learning was grade three makes me feel like we have missed out on so many things.
What have been the most difficult (or best) times for you and your family?
Charlie – The hardest thing was not seeing my friends and family during the first part of the pandemic. I hated online learning. My teacher was great but I don’t think I learned the best when being taught online. I like to be part of a classroom. Sadly, we missed out on school sports, choir, field trips, library and playing outside at recess.
Harrison – Our mom works at a school so it was actually kind of nice having her home with us during school shutdowns. She kept us on a schedule and made our days seem kind of normal. The hard part was not seeing our friends and family for long periods of time. I drove my brother nuts during lockdown. But spending more time together made my brother and I feel a lot closer.
What do you think the history books will say about this time 100 years from now?
Charlie – I really don’t think people looking at pictures and reading stories will understand how hard this pandemic has been on people. So many people have died. So many people have spent time alone because they had to. That’s really hard.
Harrison – People will look back and see us doing everyday things with masks on. They will write about some people thinking we should have a vaccine, and others thinking we shouldn’t have a vaccine. I know it helps everyone but it seems to be what most people are talking and fighting about right now.
Charlie and Harrison
Meet 10 year-old twins, Charlie and Harrison, our new Kid Zone writers!
Each month, they’ll be sharing perspectives on life as a child sees it.