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Love Yourself First!

Learning to embody and radiate unconditional love is probably the single most powerful change I coach my clients through. When we achieve this miraculous state of being, arguments, fear, and distrust fall away, and the world transforms around us. People light up when we enter a room. Friends, family, and strangers alike suddenly communicate openly with us. Pleasant surprises and synchronicities become our new normal. It may be cliche, but nothing is more powerful than the power of love. 

The paradox we tend to struggle with, especially as moms, is that to be radiantly loving we first need to be selfish. We know our children need sleep, exercise, play, nutritious food, fresh air, challenges, and novelty, but are we getting these essentials ourselves? If not, it’s time to ask “Why don’t we feel like we deserve to feel good everyday too?” It’s time to realize that when we deprioritize ourselves, we end up so drained, so impatient, or so snarky that we drag everyone in our orbit down with us. 

To solve the love paradox, we need to start listening to our inner flight attendant when she says “put your oxygen mask on first, then you can help everyone else.” To love others, we need to love ourselves first by prioritizing our needs while gently tending to the quality of our thoughts, emotions, and our bodily experiences. Prioritizing ourselves doesn’t mean putting others last, or always putting ourselves first. Prioritizing ourselves is an art; the art of being wisely selfish and tapping our inner wisdom to find creative solutions that benefit everybody. 

You probably know exactly what you need to be your most vibrant self. If you’re not sure where to start, start with the basics we offer our children. With proper sleep and nutrition, we have the patience to deal with life’s challenges. When we move our bodies and pursue our passions we come back to life. When we combine all of these factors, we become clear, present, radiant and available for loving better than ever. When we take care of ourselves it feeds our self-esteem and self-love, and we naturally radiate love.

Angie Aristone, co-author of Consciousness Becomes You www.angiearistone.com


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