Meet Adi and Lander!
What are you really good at? What do you want to learn to do better?
Adi: I am really good at biking. I would like to be able to do cart wheels better.
Lander: I’m really good at video games. I want to play soccer better.
What do you find annoying?
Adi: It’s annoying when my brother keeps on poking me and I tell him to stop.
Lander: When I am in a video game and my sister bothers me, that’s annoying!
What has someone taught you that you’ll never forget?
Adi: My mom and dad taught me how to be kind.
Lander: It’s always important to remember how to be kind.
What do you think your grown-up life will be like?
Adi: I will be strong, have blonde hair and have cute kids!
Lander: I will be a lawyer.
Meet our new Kid Zone writers, 10 and 6 year old siblings, Lander and Adi! Each month, they’ll be sharing perspectives on life as a child sees it.