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New Beginnings

New beginnings require a deliberate choice to embrace a new phase, a new era, a new opportunity, and possibly a new attitude. Don’t be troubled by leaving the past behind. Instead, rejoice in the fact that you are exactly where you are supposed to be today, at this moment, reading this article and finding hope.


The key to starting something new isn’t just about getting it started; it’s about finishing well. Learn, grow and stay determined through the ups and downs. It takes patience and perseverance to do something well, and therein lies the accomplishment. We grow in maturity and character when we see things through to the end.


Remember, don’t decide how the end looks at the beginning. This can lead to disappointment, assumptions and errors. Allow your situation to unfold naturally while keeping your eyes wide open for the lessons along the way. Pivot as needed without holding onto your preconceived plan. Stretch your abilities and run the full race, not stopping until it has been completed. Put your pride aside (your will, your discomfort, your inability to see the result) and stay the course.


Perseverance takes practice. When doubts and fears bombard your mind, take a stand to not give up and press on. You will be glad you did.


I pray you will have the strength and perseverance to finish what you start, knowing that strong endings are worth new beginnings. May you find hope and determination to light your way. Amen.


Marcy Demelo is an Entrepreneur, Career Coach and Educator, teaching you how to reinvent yourself to live out your passion. Find her on Instagram at waymaker_inc and at www.waymakerinc.ca.


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