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NOURISH Nutritional Consulting


Heather Bulckaert is the owner of NOURISH Nutritional Consulting, and is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Metabolic Balance Practitioner, 40+ woman, wife and mother. She is on a mission to reach as many women as possible. Her message is simple. You are not alone.

Women are struggling through hormone fluctuations, and it deserves our attention. Our ovaries are retiring, shifting the production of the hormones needed by every system in our body. This shift is the reason behind your unexplained weight gain, hair loss, lack of libido, low energy, joint pain and even mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. The list is long, and these symptoms can show up both postnatal and in perimenopause. It can be a dark and isolating time for women, so let’s get the conversation going. “What I want women to know is that it doesn’t have to feel this way!” says Bulckaert.

What if your metabolism, energy and mood was something you had control over? What if these years could be vibrant? What if you prioritized yourself now and set yourself up to be healthy, mobile and energetic for the decades to come?

After years of teaching nutrition and supporting clients, Heather recognized the critical role of hormone production. Through Metabolic Balance, she provides specific nutrition to support hormone balance, weight loss and to reduce inflammation in the body.  “At Nourish, we use in-depth blood sampling and a comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle analysis to design a program specific to your body. As important as the number on the scale is to clients, the successes they achieve along the way are even more profound: an intense level of relief, a renewed sense of self, increased mental clarity, libido, confidence and inspiring other women around them, including their children.”  

Helping women through these inspiring transformations has been the most rewarding time in Heather Bulckaert’s career. She has watched as they have achieved a life, even better than they may have imagined for themselves.

Nourish Nutritional Consulting supports both postnatal and perimenopausal women. Have you been trying everything to lose weight, sleep better, increase energy or fight off depression?  Book a complementary call – Heather would love to hear from you.



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