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Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten!

Kindergarten may be both scary and exciting for your child! There are many things that you can do to help smooth the transition for them!

Independence – The teacher will not always be able to spend time one on one with each child, therefore teaching them skills that help them be independent is important! This might include having them put on their own shoes/coat or having them go to the bathroom and wash their hands. 

Basic knowledge – Don’t worry about teaching your child academics. The teacher will cover how to read, write, etc. Teach your child basic knowledge such as their name, where they live, how to hold a pencil, etc. 

Being respectful – Teach your child manners and how to be polite. This may include saying please and thank you, learning how to share, etc. Don’t forget to start teaching responsibility. This can be done by having them clean up their toys or emptying their bag at the end of the day. 

Give reasonable (limited) choices – Give children some sense of control by allowing them to pick out their clothes for the day from two or three choices.

Routine – Try practising a routine BEFORE the start of school. Get up, brush teeth, have breakfast, get dressed, etc. at the same time every morning. 

Acknowledge feelings – Encourage them to talk about their concerns, or what they are looking forward to. Remember, behaviour is a form of communication too! Minimize talk about school if they are feeling anxious.

Reach out – Contact your child’s teacher and ask them how you can support your child. 

Get social – Playdates offer great opportunities to practice socialization and making friends. They can try out their skills at turn-taking, sharing and waiting. Playing in the school playground will increase their comfort. 

On the first day:

  • Give yourself extra time to avoid unnecessary stress. 
  • Remind your child about all the times they have already visited the school playground.
  • Try to show your child how happy you are for them. 
  • Ask the teacher if they could bring a small, familiar item (eg. stuffed animal) from home if that will make them feel more secure, but be aware that losing it is also a possibility.
  • Dress them in clothes they can easily pull down/up by themselves. Shoes should be slip on or Velcro. 
  • Reassure them you will be there at the end of the day and plan some family fun to celebrate!

All the best to you and your child on your first day!


References and Additional Information

Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre – All Kids Belong. (2021). Getting ready for kindergarten. 


Middlesex-London Health Unit. (2023). Healthy start to kindergarten


Middlesex-London Health Unit. (2023). Transition to school resources



Kessa Dunlop, WFN-4 student for the Middlesex-London Health Unit


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