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Resiliency: Come Back Bigger, Stronger & Better Than Before

We’ve all faced challenges at one point or another and building resiliency is not about preventing challenges from happening altogether. Challenges are part of life and a major part of running a business. Resiliency is what you develop by shortening the amount of time you stay stuck in a challenge. If you’re someone who stays stuck in a challenge for weeks or months at a time, chances are you could use some work on strengthening your resiliency. 

Like most things in life, in order to make significant changes, you must first identify the issue and have the awareness that it is something you struggle with. Reflect on previous challenges you’ve faced and be honest with yourself with how quickly you recovered from the challenge. Naturally some challenges you face will take longer than others, but if we learn better strategies on developing resiliency, then we can shorten the amount of time we stay in a state of frustration.

Here are my top tips on building resiliency and being able to get back up bigger, stronger and better than before:

  1. Be ready so you don’t have to get ready. This is a proactive approach that works wonders! Always do consistent daily things that help you be your best self so that when a challenge comes your way you’re already in a good headspace with the right mindset to make the best decision. 
  2. Learn to instantly look for the lesson in tough situations. When a challenge arises, get in the habit of asking yourself these questions: What can I learn? What is the universe or God or Creator (or whomever you believe in) trying to teach me?
  3. Surround yourself with like-minded people and make relationships a priority. When we go through challenging times, it’s important to have positive, uplifting people to lean on. Don’t underestimate the power of community support and building your tribe.

Tune into my podcast called
Scrap The Sweet Talk to hear about the rest of my top 10 tips! This particular podcast episode was sponsored by local realtor Sarah Poirier at Leading London. You can find my podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify or anywhere podcasts are available. 

Rebecca Hamilton,
Owner, Chick Boss Cake


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