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Save your Couch with These Feline-Friendly Tips!

Popsicle stains, jumped-on cushions and shredded corners. With kids and cats in the same house, our poor furniture often takes a beating! It’s easy to feel frustrated at this destruction. But let’s remember, just like child’s play, scratching is a natural and normal behavior for cats that we should encourage, not discourage.


That being said, if you’re tired of sacrificing furniture to your kitty’s “murder mittens”, here are some tips to redirect their scratching habits to a more appropriate outlet:

  1. Reduce Temptation: Clean and Protect
    When your cat scratches your favourite chair, they leave behind pheromones that encourage future scratching. Clean those areas thoroughly and cover them with a less appealing material, like cat scratch protectors, to discourage their return.
  2. No Squirting, Hitting or Yelling
    Physical punishment is never the answer and can damage the bond between you and your cat. Also resist the urge to yell, as it may inadvertently reinforce the unwanted behavior by giving them attention.
  3. Redirect with Patience
    Gently and calmly redirect your cat to a proper scratching post. Remember that you’re helping your cat break an old habit and form a new one, so be patient with their progress.
  4. Reinforce Good Behavior
    Reward your cat each time they use their new scratching spot. Make it even more enticing by using catnip, silvervine or pheromone sprays that invite exploration.
  5. Choose Wisely
    When selecting or building a scratching area, think like a cat! Provide multiple options, especially in a multi-cat household. Experiment with horizontal, vertical, and multi-level options as well as different textures like sisal, wood and cardboard to find what your cat loves.
  6. Bigger is Better
    Ensure the scratching post provides at least three feet of stretching space and is securely anchored. If it topples or scares your cat, they’re unlikely to return to it.
  7. Going Forward
    Regular nail trims are beneficial for your cat’s paws, your furniture, and extending the lifespan of their scratching post! Promptly replace worn-out or damaged materials as they can pose hazards if ingested.


Remember, to a child, a couch is a wonderland of imagination waiting to be explored. Similarly, for a cat, it’s an opportunity to engage in normal feline behavior. By understanding and redirecting these instincts to a more appropriate outlet, we can create a harmonious environment where everyone feels at home.


Dr. I. Wonder is here to answer your questions regarding your furry family members. If you have a question, email it to us at danielle@NeighbourhoodPetClinic.com. Our team at Neighbourhood Pet Clinic will tap into their collective experience to answer your various questions.


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