
As mothers, we’re pulled in many different directions, wearing multiple hats throughout the day, and it can become easy to put ourselves last. Have you heard of the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”? Never compromise your self-care! If you’re not taking care of yourself, how are you going to take care of others?

8 ways you can practice self-care: 

  1. Wake up with affirmations (positive statements that can help challenge and overcome negative thoughts). Using affirmations intentionally and consistently creates a ripple effect of positivity.
  2. Write down what you’re grateful for and why.
  3. Drink water. When you’re properly hydrated you’ll think more clearly and have a more positive mood.  
  4. Move your body for at least 20 minutes a day. Regular physical activity has so many incredible benefits, from muscle strength to greater endurance to improving cardiovascular health.
  5. Say NO to the things that don’t serve you.
  6. Dance! Find a great playlist and listen to it as you cook or have a dance party with your kids.
  7. Take a bath. This is a great way to wind down before bed. Try adding lavender oil to your bath and thank me later!
  8. Get to bed early. Sleep is highly underrated! It helps with weight loss, energy levels and performing optimally the next day.

Meaghan Terzis
Lifestyle Coach and Biz Mentor, empowering women through fitness, essential oils and healthy living.


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