So Much Handwashing!
Are your hands feeling dry, itchy, cracking, and having peeling fingertips recently? You are not alone. Many people are experiencing hand skin irritation since COVID started this March because they often wash hands and use a high percentage of alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
However, please do not refrain from washing your hands because your skin is getting dry and uncomfortable. Handwashing is the most effective way to reduce the spread of germs and viruses, such as the influenza virus or the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease known as COVID-19.
Everyone should wash their hands after coming home from outside, before eating, before and right after picking up raw meat, after using household cleaning products, after using the bathroom, etc.
It’s essential to use a moisturizer after washing hands each time. There are hundreds of body lotions and hand creams on the market. What is the best one for dry hands? No worries, some great drugstore products will do the job just fine. I usually get eczema on my hands during season change, plus I touch water so often during the day for my job. My hands can be raw and hurt by the end of the day. Usually, I don’t recommend drugstore products for skincare.
Expert Handcare Tips
But for hand care, there are a couple of drugstore products I’ve been using and highly recommend to my clients and friends, such as:
Eucerin Original Lotion – This is fragrance-free. It works great for dry, sensitive skin because it seals in moisture for 24 hours to prevent dryness and help skin heal.
Atratain in Cream Form – It’s not greasy and doesn’t leave “fingerprints” everywhere you touch. A little amount goes a long way. This is a great product for diabetic’s sensitive, dry skin as well. You’ll have to ask for this from the pharmacist without a prescription.
Both of these are under $20 – very affordable! Next time you visit the drugstore, don’t forget to pick them up for yourself and your loved ones.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Remember- Relax, Regenerate, Revitalize.
Lily Seed Owner/Spa Director
Revita Medical Esthetics & Spa