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Summer Adventures with Kids and Canines

It’s a beautiful summer’s day, and you’re ready to embark on a family adventure. So where will your escapade take you? Check out the activities below for tips on how to safely include your furry family member in the summer fun.

The Beach
The beach can be a sensory wonderland for children and dogs alike! But water conditions can change quickly, challenging even the strongest swimmers, so ensure to provide properly-fitted personal flotation devices for your canine and human beachgoers.

Don’t let the sun’s rays damper the fun! Pack some cute doggy booties to shield your dog’s sensitive feet from scorching sand or pavement. If it’s too hot to touch with your bare toes, it’s too hot for their paws! Plus, remember that pets can get sunburned too, especially those with light-coloured or thin coats.

The Park
Just like kids, dogs who love to run and play might not recognize when to take a breather. Don’t assume they’ll rest when they need to; pause regularly for cool water and breaks in the shade to prevent heat exhaustion.

A Hike
You’re probably diligent about tucking your kids’ pants into their socks to keep ticks at bay, but what about your furry hiking buddy? With parasite prevention from your vet, you can trek stress-free, knowing your pup is protected from the dangers of ticks and other pests, including heartworm and fleas.

As you enjoy the great outdoors together, remember, leash laws are there to keep everyone safe on the trails. Opt for a sturdy standard leash which provides better control than a retractable one.

A Road Trip
When you stop for snacks, sightseeing or bathroom breaks along your journey, never leave your dog unattended in the vehicle. What about a quick stop with the windows cracked? Sadly, those conditions still leave dogs susceptible to heat stroke. The temperature of a parked car climbs quickly, and since dogs cannot cool themselves as effectively as humans can, “just five minutes” can be fatal.

If we’re lucky, we only get about 15 summers with our dogs; the same is roughly true with our children too, before they start making their own memories. So pack your bags, grab the leash and forge an unbreakable bond while staying safe and enjoying the wonders of the season!


Dr. I. Wonder is here to answer your questions regarding your furry family members. If you have a question, email it to us at danielle@NeighbourhoodPetClinic.com. Our team at Neighbourhood Pet Clinic will tap into their collective experience to answer your various questions.


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