The BluePrint Toolset
“Joy” is a fairly common word during this time of year, but is it a word you would normally associate with the workplace? For most folks, work is an economic necessity – a “have to”, if you will. Now, we don’t mean to be blunt, but let’s face it, work is simply a reality for most of us. However, imagine for a minute what it would feel like if work brought you joy and fulfillment?
At The BluePrint Toolset®, they provide leaders and organizations with tools, programs and coaching to support organizations wanting to move the needle toward being a workplace full of joy. They can measure the mindset of the individual, or the collective mindset (a.k.a. the organizational culture), and help you create a blueprint that will get you where you want to go.
As a mom of a busy toddler, Ali El-Ayoubi can relate to the feeling of needing to be in two places at once – being with family, while also supporting the wellbeing and success of a business. “While it still ‘takes a village’, these days the villages of old are hard to find. We still need to be well-supported in our work as well as our personal lives. Support is vital in order to be present in whatever role you are occupying at the moment. And it’s not about perfectly balancing these two facets of your life, but finding the combination of work and family that fulfills your needs without draining you.”, says Ali. The BluePrint Toolset can help you do just that.
Their flagship Lead with Impact™ program is an online, 8-part leadership program that speaks not only to what it means to lead yourself, but how you can ensure the impact you are having on your team is aligned with your philosophy and the goals of the organization – and done with Joy!
The resources you need for leadership success – in life and at work – are in place. All you need to do is give yourself the opportunity – the Joy – of taking part. Connect to 25% off with this QR code and the coupon code MOM&CAREGIVER.