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The Year You Don’t Give Up

So, it’s March and I’m guessing by now your New Year’s resolutions have lost their spark and the flame has dimmed substantially, or perhaps, it may have even been extinguished completely. The reality has set in, your motivation evaporated as if it hadn’t existed to begin with, and you’re back to being the same person you’ve always been. That would be fine and dandy if you accepted your circumstances, wanted to remain the same and didn’t set those goals in the first place. The fact that you’ve made a resolution and set your intentions at the beginning of the year means you have a burning desire to change your life. I’m here to remind you that the intentions you set for yourself at the beginning of this year are still possible! If you want to achieve different results, you have to be willing to do things differently and that means finding the strength to pull yourself back up and get back on track when your motivation is dwindling. 

No one else cares about your goals and dreams more than you do, and that means you’re solely responsible for making them happen. You’re the only person who has the power to change your life, stop being a victim to your circumstances and start being relentless in the pursuit of achieving your dreams! 

Here are my top 3 tips for getting back on track quickly:

  1. Give yourself some grace for not being perfect, but also love yourself enough to start the journey again tomorrow. Giving up completely is not and should not be an option. 
  2. Surround yourself with successful and goal-oriented people. Increase time spent with positive and uplifting people who will cheer you on and inspire you to keep going. We’re stronger together!
  3. Have strong enough reasons why you’re on this journey and remind yourself of them daily. Your ‘why’ must be stronger than your ‘but’.

I’ve got your back! I’m here to remind you to prove yourself wrong this year and show up for yourself in a way you’ve never done before! I have one question for you: What if this was the year that you didn’t give up?

Rebecca Hamilton,
Owner, Chick Boss Cake


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