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They’re the Bees Knees!

Pollinators play an important role in the growth and reproduction of plants. Without pollinators, the world would experience a significant reduction in the biodiversity of plants which could have disastrous effects on the planet! Pollinators are responsible for transferring pollen from flower to flower, allowing fertilization and the production of seeds. This process is vital for the reproduction of flowers, trees, crops and the production of a variety of fruits and vegetables!

Bees are often the pollinators we think of first, but there are many other species including butterflies, moths, birds and bats. In addition to their role in plant reproduction, pollinators are also critical for maintaining the natural balance of ecosystems.

There are many ways that we can help pollinators, and everyone can get involved! Here are some simple actions you can take that can make a big difference:

  1. Plant a pollinator-friendly garden – Pollinators need food, so planting a garden with a variety of flowers and plants that bloom at different times throughout the year can provide them with a home and a food source.
  2. Provide water sources and shelter – Pollinators need water to survive, so providing a shallow dish with water or a small fountain can be an attractive source of hydration for them. Bee, bug and butterfly houses are a great addition to your backyard that give our pollinators shelter from the elements.
  3. Be respectful of their environment – Don’t forget, your backyard may be home to a large variety of pollinators, so allowing them to live peacefully is so important. Allowing the fall leaves from trees to remain over the winter in your gardens helps give pollinators a warm place to live, and not using pesticides is a great way to keep them safe.

Ashley Satchell, owner, Featherfields


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