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To Resolve or Not to Resolve – That is the Question!

There’s an ongoing debate about New Year’s resolutions. Is January 1st the perfect time to reevaluate your life? Or is it a tradition that should be laid to rest?

Those on the pro- side say resolutions are all about hope and setting positive expectations for a new year. They say that the physical act of writing something down is a great way to get into the mindset to achieve it. They believe in making SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable and timely) goals. And sometimes just aiming for a goal, even if you don’t achieve it, can be worth the effort. New Year’s resolutions are the boost to do just that.

Those on the anti- side say this: New Year’s resolutions simply make us focus on everything we don’t like about ourselves. We think we’ll be happier if we’re thinner, richer or have more hobbies, but that’s untrue. They encourage us to spend lots of money on items we may never use (gym equipment, knitting needles). We should be improving ourselves throughout the year, not waiting for a single day to make a drastic change. New Year’s resolutions set us up for disaster, disappointment and failure.

What side are you on? If you’re looking to do some research, you’ve found the place! Jenn Giurgevich talks setting healthy goals in Re-Think That New Year’s Resolution! on page 14. Find out why “I’m going to make half my plate veggies at supper five times a week.” may be a better resolution than “I want ripped abs.”

Frank Emanuele is giving himself permission to have a bunch of Lazy Winter Days on page 19. He’s ditching New Year’s resolutions for a much-deserved season of sloth after a busy holiday season. Can you say Mario Cart and binge-watching this month? Yes, we can!

Here at The Mom & Caregiver, we are using 2023 to celebrate in a big way – it’s our 25th anniversary! For 25 years we have been part of the fabric of the community and have had the privilege to meet many beautiful families along the way. We are honoured that our readers, advertisers and writers have trusted us and made us who we are today. With gratitude, we thank you.

Wishing you the healthiest, happiest and most-fulfilling 2023,



Sabina Manji, a lifelong Londoner, is an irrepressible entrepreneur, mother of a wonderful son, and also a committed volunteer.


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