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Welcoming 2021!

Well, what can I say? I think we are all very happy to be starting a new year. Happy 2021!

2020 was a very emotional year for many of us. I personally never thought I would live through a pandemic – it seemed the stuff of history books and science fiction films. Yet here we are, 10 months in, making new normals and social distancing like bosses. We have felt sad, been frightened, felt lost and been unsure. But “every flower must grow through dirt” (Laurie Jean Sennott) and through these very tough times, some beautiful things have blossomed.

The Mom & Caregiver was honoured and blessed to help those in need through our Home Not Hungry initiative. With the help of local restaurants and the support of donations and volunteers, we were able to feed over 3000 local people struggling during the pandemic.

2020 also brought a much-needed movement for freedom, liberation and justice – Black Lives Matter. It breaks my heart to think of those who are not accepted, who are not respected and who do not feel safe. We have a long way to go but the conversation has started. Keep it going with your children, your friends, your government representatives and beyond.

Here at The Mom & Caregiver, we built an even stronger online community during the pandemic. Because of our community of supporters who believe in us through it all, we were able to continue providing parenting advice, support and smiles on a wide variety of platforms. I felt worried about how our regular events would go during these very different times. But our photo contest and our 12+ Days of Christmas Giveaways were a welcome source of happiness for families who had been beaten down by COVID-19. We received an incredible 27 000 votes and over 500 entries in our 16th annual Captured Moments photo contest. And we gave away over $3000 in prizes to spread some holiday cheer to our deserving readers.

2021 is a time to face our troubles (find articles on page 9 and 19 that can help) and celebrate the little things (read pages 6 and 11 to find inspiration). We wish you a year full of resilience, strength and much love. Our new year’s resolution to you is that we’ll continue to be a helping hand on your journey through parenthood.

Sabina Manji, a lifelong Londoner, is an irrepressible entrepreneur, mother of a wonderful son, and also a committed volunteer.


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