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What’s Your One Word For This Year?

For the last three years, instead of focusing solely on New Year’s resolutions, I’ve decided to focus on choosing a word for the year. It helps to guide me in the direction I need to go and provides clarity when I’m making decisions. It’s a simple way to remain laser focused throughout the entire year instead of trying really hard to achieve your NYE resolutions, only to find your momentum dwindling in the cold February wind when you inevitably give up on them. Choosing your one word for the year is also a more holistic, positive and uplifting approach to your self-development journey. It’s worked wonders for me throughout the years of building and scaling my million dollar bakery business and becoming an author. 

My word two years ago was “intentional” meaning anything and everything I decided to do throughout that entire year was going to be done with intention and meaning, and not out of obligation. My word this past year was “impact” and so everything I did throughout this year needed to be aligned with having an impact on other people. As a result of allowing my word to guide me this year, I published my first book, The Million Dollar Bakery. I received hundreds of messages from readers saying how my story has impacted their lives. Here’s how I go about choosing my one word: 

Reflect on this past year and ask yourself these questions. Write down whatever comes to mind without over-thinking:

What could I use more of in my life? 

What could I use less of in my life?

What skills or traits would I like to have?

Most of the time I feel _______________.

I want to feel _________________ more often.

Once you review your responses you’ll have a better understanding of the direction you’d like to go. Now create a list of the first 10 words that come to mind and write them down. Sit with these words and choose the one that resonates most with you. Oftentimes it’s the first word you wrote down. This should be your one word for the year! 

Rebecca Hamilton,
Owner, Chick Boss Cake


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