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Energize with Caution!

How do you energize for your day or kick that afternoon slump? Do you rely on caffeinated energy drinks, coffee or chocolate? These foods all contain caffeine, which you may want to limit. Health Canada recommends a daily intake of no more than 400 mg of caffeine for adults over 18. For reference, energy drinks can contain up to 180 mg of caffeine per can. 

Supplemented foods, such as caffeinated energy drinks, are regulated by Health Canada. They require new labels to help you know what ingredients like caffeine or taurine have been added to them.  

Other examples of supplemented foods include snack bars and fruit drinks, which could be supplemented with: 

  • minerals such as calcium 
  • vitamins such as vitamin C 
  • amino acids such as L-leucine 

As of January 1st, 2026, all
supplemented foods will be required to have new labels, but some are already starting to appear on the market, so here’s what you can expect to see:

All supplemented foods will show a supplemented food facts table instead of a nutrition facts table. There will be a “Supplemented with” section listing the type and amount of each supplemental ingredient, like caffeine. 

Some of these foods will also carry a caution identifier, which includes an exclamation mark and the words “Supplemented” and “Health Canada” on the front, alerting you to read cautions written on the back or side of the product. An example of a caution is: “Do not drink more than 1 serving per day.”

Stay energized and hydrated this summer, but be smart about your supplemented drinks and foods intake. Whether for yourself or other family members, find more information at canada.ca/supplemented-foods.


Jenn Giurgevich is the founder of Spark Nutrition & Health, a virtual nutrition consulting business.
Visit www.sparknutritionandhealth.ca for more information.


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